Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I guess we'll see how this goes!

Welcome to my blog! I admit I am a little nervous to start this because I have always been the sort of person who comes up with all kinds of brilliant (to me) ideas and tries to follow through with them, but after a while, decides they were not really so brilliant at all, and gives up. Nevertheless, I have decided to give this idea a shot.

I am a Christian. I try hard to live my life wholly and solely for my God. I would love to say that I succeed, but the Christian walk is not easy. Actually, it is the hardest thing in the world, and I probably spend more time laying in the ditch than I do walking on the road with my eyes fixed on Heaven. I would not say, though, that my walk has been completely unprofitable. On the contrary, as I seek to draw near to God, He has given me much to think about and learn about. Unfortunately, being the quiet person that I am, I rarely talk about the things I think and learn about. Therefore, I thought this blog would be a good project for me. A way to practice expounding on my thoughts as I strive to fulfill my chief and highest end: to glorify God and fully to enjoy Him forever.

I hope I follow through with my plan. I have no idea when I will put up my first real post, but hopefully it will be soon. Welcome to my blog, gentle reader. I trust that this will be an exercise of some profit. All that having been said, Soli Deo Gloria!

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